Lab 8: Internet-based Consumer Monitoring *DROID*

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********4 blogs:


  • What is the underlying message in these posts? That the DROID is finally available and has a great hardware apperance. It gives general information of the phones accessibility and features in comparrison to the iphone.
  • How are people responding to the product? So far from this blong, it is to early to critque in depth, but so far the apperance and description is extremly forthcoming and eye catching.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers? For this blog, yes. The message has s far been correctly recieved.
  • ://
  • What is the underlying message in these posts? To inform readers on the new and updated DROIDS, along with features and new applications that aridse over time for the phone.
  • How are people responding to the product? Very positively, there seems to be a growing excitement for new DROIDS to arrive which refects the previous ones have good credibility to the consumer which has resulted in them continuing to stick with the DROID.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers? Yes, the DROID seems to be having a postive buzz floating around its exsitence.
  • What is the underlying message in these posts? That the droid is an even competitor with the iphone, and motorola has done a great job at becoming a competitor with apple.
  • How are people responding to the product? Very positive, it seems to be a great option to verizon consumers to have a similar accessibility on a touch screen phone, as AT&T does with the iphone.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers? Yes that they are producing a great phone that meets consumer expectations.
  • What is the underlying message in these posts?That even though the DROID has glitches, with time the phone should become great.
  • How are people responding to the product? Few complaints over glitches and the GPS program for the phone, but still impressed with how much it can do in terms of application options.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers? To an extent, of course corporate is going to present there product in only a positive light, but glitches are commen in most new products and over time with refining become great.

********3 (reputable) news sites:

  • What is the underlying message in these posts? That alleged reports on DROID disfunctions are incorrect.
  • How are people responding to the product? Droid owners highly like its updated technology and similarities to the Iphone 4
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers?  Yes, it re instills that the consumer is purchasing a product of great quality.

What is the underlying message in these posts?Excitement over the new Droid

  • How are people responding to the product? Very much enthused about its arrival.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers?Yes, they are right on point with corporate message.

  • What is the underlying message in these posts?That the new DROID  Is a great phone.
  • How are people responding to the product?They are enthused.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers?Yes.

********a twitter search:

  • What is the underlying message in these posts?New information on updates within the DROID network.
  • How are people responding to the product?They love  it.
  • Do the messages here reflect the corporate message being delivered to consumers?Yes, constant news feed with helpful information that is parallel to the corporate message.

*****and the corporate site for the product:


Lab 5: Insider Trading Law

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Insider Trading Law-is the trading corporations stocks and other company securities (bond or stock options.) without the publics knowledge.

EX: Page 76 case study. Page 130-131.



2.) ————– Video of Martha Stewart

Chapter 16 Notes

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Writing for the Eye: Common ones

The Biography, summary, plain bio, straight bio: list factual information. narrative bio: more informal.

Backgrounder: provide additional information.

Fact Sheets Q and A, photos etc. quick and easy, reporting asking quesions, illustrate the subject., less is more .

Pitch letters are  to convery a story.  Most common types are the Creative pitch, the Straigh pitch, the Provocative question pitch, the Ho Hum question pitch, the Who Cares pitch, The Whats New pitch,

Smaller organizaions can make front page using roundup article using scoop or trends.

Case history is used to tell about a customers favoravle sue of a companys product or service. the Byliner is a story designed and ostensi ly authored by an officer or a particular firm.  The Op-Ed is an editorial written by and organizational executive and then submitted for publicaition to newspaper or magazine. 

Standby Statments include: Price increases, extraordianary losses, employee layoffs, age, sex, or other types of discrimination.  These should be brief and not lead to questions.

White papers concern external dilemmas organizations face.  Mostly they follow five-part organization.


statment of the challenge

alternatice solutioins

recommended solutions

blueprint and key messages for action

Writing for the ear if different than for the eye.  Listeners listen. Write like you speak.

Speech possesses five main characters. it is designed to be heard, not read, it uses concrete language, it demands a positive response, it must have clear cut objectives, it must be tailored to a specific audience. Most of all speech has to get across the fact that the speaker cares.  The speechwriting process breaks down into 4 componets. preparing, interviewing, researching, organizing and writing.

Use the 4W checklist to prepare.  Who, What, Where, When and Why. When interviewing cover 3 goals, determine the object of the talk, determine the speakers main points, capture the speakers characteristics.

A way to get around writers block is to use a formalized research procedure.  Dig into all literature, books, pamphlets, articles, and speeches, think about the subject, seek out the opinions of others. Speech becomes easier using the 4 elements, introduction, thesis, body, conclusion. The presentation guidelines:  get organized, get to the point, be logical, write it out, anticipate the negative, speak, don’t read, be understandable, use graphics wisely, be convincing, Stop.

Chapter 15

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We all know how to read and write but public relations professionals should write and speak better than their collegues. Public relations people are not good writers.  Writing fundamentals do not change.  Four part formula:  the idea must precede the expression, dont be afraid of the draft, simplify, clarify, finally, writing must be amied at a particular audience.

Flesch readability formula is straight forth writings

7 ways to make writing readable

use contractions, leave out the word “that” when you can, repeat nouns, use brief, clear sentences, cover one item per paragraph, use language the reader understands.

Jim Ylisela say to make your words count. Be specific, use more words, find better verbs, pursue the active voice, omit needless words, embrace simplicity and clarity, tell a good story, find interesting voices, take chances, rewrite.

Using an inverted pyramid is a straightforth style of writing that forms the basis and easiet of all pubic relations tools. 

New Releases: poorly written, rarely localized, and not newsworthy. News releases should include these elements:  have a well defined reason for sending the release, focus on one central subject in each release,  Make certain the subject is newsworthy in the context of the organization, industry, and community, include facts, no bluff, rid of unnecessary jargon, include quotes, include important dates, brief description of company, write clearly.

Lead readers to pertinent content, who, what, where, when and why.

Examples of news release style






New release essentials: rational, focus, facts, nourishing quotes, limit jargon,company description, spelling, grammar, punctuation, brevity, headlines, clarity, conciseness, commitment. 

Social media releases are designed to reach nontraditional journalists, such as bloggers and podcasters.

Majority of journalist today use new releases via email.  Editing is the final touch.  Refer to the A and B of effective writing.

Chapter 8 Notes

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The Campaigns and be certain of their growing dominance on the internet because of Research.  Research is the starting point. Managements want facts and statistics from public relations. 

outputs: did they get the coverage they wanted

outtakes:  did our target audience see and /or believe our message

outcomers:  did audience behavior or relationships change, and did sales increase?

Research should be applied in public relations at the initial stage and final stage.  The real challenge lies in using research-knowing when to do what, with whom, and for what purpose. Public relations evaluation must be linked to overall business goals, strategies and tactics.

Research does 3 things.1. describe process, situation, or phenomemon 2.why something happening,what is causes, and effect. 3. What will probably if we do or dont take action.

Theoretical research builds on theories in public relations and why people communicate, how public opinion is formed and created.

Secondary Research is also called “desk research.” 

Three primary forms of public relations: surverys, communications audits, unobtrusive measures

Surveys are the most popular form of public research.  Surveys come in 2 types: descriptive surveys and explanatory surveys and contain 4 elements: sample, questionnaire, interview, analysis  The sample is a selected target group.  It can be tricky and be aware of pitfalls.

Random Sampling = 2 properties equality and independence.  It gives all members of the population equal chances.  Systemactic random samplings goes in order then skips.  Stratified radom sampling is used to survey different segments or strata of teh population. 3 types of nonrandom sampling: convenience samples, quota samples, volunteer samples. 

Questionnaire: keep it short, use structured rather than open-ended questions, measure intensity of feelings, dont use fancy word, dont ask loaded questions or double barreled questions, pretest, letter of explaining the importance of survey and they will remain anonymous, mailing use stamped return envelopes, send more out than neccessary, enclose a reward.

Personal interviews give more on public opinion. Focus groups should be organized.  Telephone interviews generate more refusals.  Make calls at less busy time of the day. Email interviews usally have low response rate, drop off interviews, usually better return rate. intercept interviews, popular in consumer surveys. delphi panels, consensus building approach, internet interviews, more widely used. 

After the interviews are completed you must analysis the findings.  From this analysis concrete recommendations are volunteered. 

Communication Auditis are a popular method of research in public relations work.  They are used to analyze the standing of a company with its employees or community neighbors.  A scope audit is sued to narrow the size and complexity of an organizations demands.  A communications audit is a straightforward analysis.

Chapter 4 Notes

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Public Opinion:

Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin blogged that the fringed black and white scarf Ms. Ray wrote in the Dunkin Donuts  Internet ad looked like  the Arab men wear that symbolize Murderous Palestinian jihad.

Dunkin Donuts pulled the ad. 

Indivduals and organization are represented just like other in society.  They all suffer setbacks in the public.  Related point. You cant  pour perfum on a skunk.  The best Campaing cant be built on trust when society destories it. 

Public relations professional need to understand the publics opinion in order to known how their opinions are formed. 

Public opinion form verbal and behavioral actions

Attitudes……  Opinions……. Actions

Attitudes are based on a number of characters: Personal, Cultural, Educational, Familial, Religious, Social Class, Race…. Theses Characteristics help influence the formation of attitudes.  Attitudes can be positive, negative, or nonexistent.  People are for something or they are against it.  It is important to understand the importance of winning over those who are silent. 

People are motivated in different ways.  Maslow says there are five levels for motivating the public.  Another popular approach is elaboration of likelihood model.  Either the central route or the peripheral route. 

The power of Persuasion is getting someone to do something through advice.  Saul Alinsky said, “People only understand things in terms of their own experience… If you try to get your ideas across to others without paying attention ot what they have to say to you can forget about the whole thing.”

Evidence to persuade

Facts, emotions, personalizing, appealing to “you”

Public opition is easier to measure than it is to influence. Opinions is sensitive on important events. It is determined more by events than by words. People support things they are confident in.  Once ones self interest is involved opinions are slow to change.  People with more opinions form more opinions.  When people are provided with educational opportunities …. equals hardheaded common sense. 

Organizations and individuals in the spot light understand that credibility is a fragile commodity. Reputation may be hard to measure but its value to an organization if indisputable. Public opinion is a powerful force.

Lab 4: Research Plan

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1.) Who is the target audience? Families of Queens University of Charlotte students.

2.) Why is the event occurring? For families to visit their children while school is in session for a weekend of fun and re connection.

3.)What short-term outputs would demonstrate the success of the news release written for this event? The Queens Website response. media coverage. did you learn something? attendance.

4.)What long-term organizational outcomes might be influenced by this event? The way the event is advertised. The activities could be set up in a different way.

For the survey, define the following:

  1. Sample: Who to use and how to find them?
  2. Questionnaire: attach a draft to the memo. To create your draft, use the elements on page 160.
  3. Proposed Interview Process: how would you administer the survey?
  4. Proposed Results Analysis: how would you assess your findings?


September 22, 2010

To:            Dr. John McArthur

Assistant Professor of Communication

Queens University of Charlotte

From: Michael Reinert

Strategic Communication, COMM 306

Re:            Communication Assessment of Outputs and Outcomes for Queens University of Charlotte Family Weekend.

To begn, you should write an opening, brief introductory statement about the event and the proposed outputs and outcomes. Be sure to give an overview and rationale for your assessment.

You should indicate your plan of assessment in the second paragraph.

First, the survey will assess the following items:

Second, the second measure will assess the following.

In your last paragraph, discuss a proposed timeline for the assessment plan and a final word about the necessity of the plan.

News Release!!!!!

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Fantastic Family Weekend at Queens University of Charlotte

Timeline on Public Relations

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Timeline for P.R.Touching on some of the founders of P.R. into current times.

Chapter 2 Notes

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